Monday, December 21, 2009

Comic Gradation - The New Beginning

I've always wanted to start a blog about one of my hobbies, comic books. Now, through the combined power of the Internet, technology, some pencils, soy beans, and a few ideas, I've put together "Comic Gradation."

This will be my home for all things comic books: reviews, collecting, industry news, artwork, sketching, and resources. The current online comic book community has inspired me to contribute in this shape and form, and I hope to build a resource that others will add to their arsenal of comic book knowledge and fun.

I chose the name "Comic Gradation" for several reasons:
  1. I'm a collector with an opinion. I like giving out grades and reviews for the comics I read. The collector in me isn't left far behind though.
  2. I enjoy watching characters and stories change over the years, while attempting to preserve some kind of original continuity.
  3. I'm a typical comic book fan that thinks that I can create comics. How difficult can it be, really? In all seriousness, I have a high appreciation into everything that it takes to produce a single comic book. I am a huge fan of the production side of comic book making, and this will be a focal point to my writing.
A gradation is defined as, "the passing of one tint or shade of color to another, or one surface to another, by very small degrees." By the very definition of the word, this will be an underlying theme behind my posts.

So here's to a new beginning. An unplanned venture. A new line cast in over-fished waters. A fresh, inconsistent perspective. An older, immature, critical perfectionist's take on a childish hobby in an adult world.

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